We mentioned, in our previous post, that Cuban March is the best time for bird watching - and it really is!
Here are some birds we saw during our trip, all of which are endemic for Cuba - Enjoy and don't forget about our radio programme on Tuesday at 4 p.m.! :)

Using bits of cobwebs, bark, and lichen, the female bee hummingbird builds a cup-shaped nest that is only about 2.5 cm (0.98 in) in diameter, where she lays two egg at a time,which are no bigger than peas.
Tocororo (Cuban trogon)

From beak to tail, this beautiful bird is between ten and eleven inches long. It nests in already created crevices in trees, mainly abandoned wood pecker holes, and feeds on flowers, fruits, and insects, capable of hovering while eating.
Carta Cuba (Cuban tody)
This colorful bird is characterized by its small size and a head unproportionally big to the rest of its body, distinguished by its pink flanks, red throat, yellow lores, and blue ear patch.
This overall green ball of feathers is a year-round resident of Cuba and islands just off the Cuban coast, where it feeds mainly on insects, small lizards and sometimes even fruits
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